|| जय श्री राम ||
|| वानरवीर अंगद ||
अंगद बालि के पुत्र थे। बालि इनसे सर्वाधिक प्रेम करता था। ये परम बुद्धिमान, अपने पिता के समान बलशाली तथा भगवान श्रीराम के परम भक्त थे। अपने छोटे भाई सुग्रीव की पत्नी और सर्वस्व हरण करने के अपराध में भगवान श्रीराम के हाथों बालि की मृत्यु हुई। मरते समय बालि ने भगवान राम को ईश्वर के रूप में पहचाना और अपने पुत्र अंगद को उनके चरणों में सेवक के रूप में समर्पित कर दिया। प्रभु राम ने बालि की अन्तिम इच्छा का सम्मान करते हुए अंगद को स्वीकार किया। सुग्रीव को किष्किन्धा का राज्य मिला और अंगद युवराज बनाये गये। सुग्रीव के भाई बालि के पुत्र अंगद की माता का नाम तारा था जो एक अप्सरा थीं।जब प्रभु श्रीराम ने अंगद के पिता वानरराज बालि का वध कर दिया था तो बालि ने मरते वक्त अपने पुत्र को पास बुलाकर उसे ज्ञान की तीन बातें बताई थी। बालि ने कहा, पहली बात ध्यान रखना देश, काल और परिस्थितियों को हमेशा समझकर कार्य करना। दूसरी बात यह कि किसके साथ कब, कहां और कैसा व्यवहार करें, इसका सही निर्णय लेना।
Angad was the son of Bali. Bali loved them the most. He was supremely intelligent, as powerful as his father, and an ardent devotee of Lord Shri Ram. Bali died at the hands of Lord Shri Ram in the guilt of killing his younger brother Sugriva and all. While dying, Bali recognized Lord Rama as God and dedicated his son Angad as a servant at his feet. Lord Ram accepted Angad while respecting Bali's last wish. Sugriva got the kingdom of Kishkindha and Angad was made the crown prince. The mother of Angad, the son of Sugriva's brother Bali, was Tara who was an nymph. When Lord Sriram killed Angad's father Vanararaj Bali, Bali called his son near and told him three things of wisdom when he died. Bali said, the first thing to keep in mind is to always work by understanding the country, time and circumstances. The second is to make the right decision with whom, when, where and how to behave.
Angad was the son of Bali. Bali loved them the most. He was supremely intelligent, as powerful as his father, and an ardent devotee of Lord Shri Ram. Bali died at the hands of Lord Shri Ram in the guilt of killing his younger brother Sugriva and all. While dying, Bali recognized Lord Rama as God and dedicated his son Angad as a servant at his feet. Lord Ram accepted Angad while respecting Bali's last wish. Sugriva got the kingdom of Kishkindha and Angad was made the crown prince. The mother of Angad, the son of Sugriva's brother Bali, was Tara who was an nymph. When Lord Sriram killed Angad's father Vanararaj Bali, Bali called his son near and told him three things of wisdom when he died. Bali said, the first thing to keep in mind is to always work by understanding the country, time and circumstances. The second is to make the right decision with whom, when, where and how to behave.
अंत में बालि ने तीसरी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात कही कि पसंद-नापसंद, सुख-दु:ख को सहन करना और क्षमाभाव के साथ जीवन व्यतीत करना। यही जीवन का सार है। बालि ने अपने पुत्र अंगद से ये बातें ध्यान रखते हुए कहा कि अब से तुम सुग्रीव के साथ रहो और हमेशा प्रभु श्रीराम की शरण में रहना वे त्रैलोक्यपति हैं। बालि के कहने पर ही अंगद ने सुग्रीव के साथ रहकर प्रभु श्रीराम की सेवा की। अंगद ने प्रभु श्री राम के द्वारा सौंपे गए उत्तरदायित्व को बखूबी संभाला। बालि वध के बाद सुग्रीव को किष्किन्धा का राज्य मिला और अंगद युवराज बनाए गए। सीता की खोज में वानरी सेना का नेतृत्व युवराज अंगद ने ही किया। सम्पाती से सीता के लंका में होने की बात जानकर अंगद समुद्र पार जाने के लिये तैयार हो गये, किन्तु दल का नेता होने के कारण जामवन्त ने इन्हें जाने नहीं दिया और हनुमान लंका गये।
In the end, Bali said the third most important thing is to like, dislike, tolerate happiness and sorrow and lead a life of forgiveness. This is the essence of life. Bali said this to his son Angad, keeping in mind that from now on you stay with Sugriva and always remain in the shelter of Lord Shri Ram, he is the Trilokyapati. Angad served Lord Shree Ram by staying with Sugriva at the behest of Bali.After the Bali slaughter Sugriva got the kingdom of Kishkindha and Angad was made the crown prince. Yuvraj Angad led the forestry army in search of Sita. Knowing that Sita was in Lanka from Sampathi, Angad agreed to go across the sea, but being the leader of the party, Jamwant did not let him go and Hanuman went to Lanka.
In the end, Bali said the third most important thing is to like, dislike, tolerate happiness and sorrow and lead a life of forgiveness. This is the essence of life. Bali said this to his son Angad, keeping in mind that from now on you stay with Sugriva and always remain in the shelter of Lord Shri Ram, he is the Trilokyapati. Angad served Lord Shree Ram by staying with Sugriva at the behest of Bali.After the Bali slaughter Sugriva got the kingdom of Kishkindha and Angad was made the crown prince. Yuvraj Angad led the forestry army in search of Sita. Knowing that Sita was in Lanka from Sampathi, Angad agreed to go across the sea, but being the leader of the party, Jamwant did not let him go and Hanuman went to Lanka.
हनुमान, अंगद और जामवंत जैसे कई विद्वान प्राण विद्या में पारंगत थे। राम ने अंगद से कहा कि हे अंगद! रावण के द्वार जाओ। कुछ सुलह हो जाए, उनके और हमारे विचारों में एकता आ जाए, जाओ तुम उनको शिक्षा दो।
Many scholars like Hanuman, Angad and Jamwant were proficient in Pran Vidya. Ram said to Angad, O Angad! Go to Ravana's door. Let there be some reconciliation, there should be unity between them and our thoughts, go teach them.
Many scholars like Hanuman, Angad and Jamwant were proficient in Pran Vidya. Ram said to Angad, O Angad! Go to Ravana's door. Let there be some reconciliation, there should be unity between them and our thoughts, go teach them.
जब अंगद रावण की सभा में पहुंचे तो वहां नाना प्रकार के वैज्ञानिक भी विराजमान थे, वण और उनके सभी पुत्र विराजमान थे। रावण ने कहा कि आओ! तुम्हारा आगमन कैसे हुआ? अंगद ने कहा कि प्रभु मैं इसलिए आया हूं कि राम और तुम्हारे दोनों के विचारों में एकता आ जाए। तुम्हारे यहां संस्कृति के प्रसार में अभाव आ गया है, अब मैं उस अभाव को शांत करने आया हूं। चरित्र की स्थापना करना राजा का कर्त्तव्य होता है, तुम्हारे राष्ट्र में चरित्र हीनता आ गई है, तुम्हारा राष्ट्र उत्तम प्रतीत नहीं हो रहा है इसलिए मैं आज यहां आया हूं। रावण ने कहा कि यह तो तुम्हारा विचार यथार्थ है परन्तु मेरे यहां क्या सूक्ष्मता है?अंगद वहां श्रीराम का संदेश लेकर राजदूत बनकर जाते हैं लेकिन जब रावण उन्हें बैठने के लिए आसन नहीं देता है तो वे स्वयं की पूंछ का आकार बढ़ाकर उसी का आसन बनाकर वहीं बैठ जाते हैं। यह आसन रावण के आसन से भी ऊंचा होता है। यह देख रावण सहित समस्त असुर हतप्रभ रह जाते हैं।
When Angad reached the assembly of Ravana, there were many types of scientists sitting there, Vana and all his sons were sitting. Ravana said come! How did you arrive Angad said that Lord I have come so that the thoughts of both Rama and you may come together. There has been a lack of spread of culture here, now I have come to calm that deficiency.Ravana said that this is your idea of reality but what is fine with me? Angad goes there as an ambassador with the message of Shri Ram, but when Ravana does not give him the seat to sit, he increases the size of his tail and makes it his own posture. Sit there. This posture is also higher than the posture of Ravana. Seeing this, all the demons including Ravana are shocked.
When Angad reached the assembly of Ravana, there were many types of scientists sitting there, Vana and all his sons were sitting. Ravana said come! How did you arrive Angad said that Lord I have come so that the thoughts of both Rama and you may come together. There has been a lack of spread of culture here, now I have come to calm that deficiency.Ravana said that this is your idea of reality but what is fine with me? Angad goes there as an ambassador with the message of Shri Ram, but when Ravana does not give him the seat to sit, he increases the size of his tail and makes it his own posture. Sit there. This posture is also higher than the posture of Ravana. Seeing this, all the demons including Ravana are shocked.
अब अंगद बोले तुम्हारे यहां चरित्र की सूक्ष्मता है। राजा के राष्ट्र में जब चरित्र नहीं होता तो संस्कृति का विनाश हो जाता है। संस्कृति का विनाश नहीं होना चाहिए, संस्कृति का उत्थान करना है। संस्कृति यही कहती है कि मानव के आचार व्यव्हार को सुन्दर बनाया जाए, महत्ता में लाया जाए, एक दूसरे की पुत्री की रक्षा होनी चाहिए। वह राजा के राष्ट्र की पद्धति कहलाती है।
Now Angad said, you have a subtlety of character here. When there is no character in the king's nation, the culture is destroyed. Culture should not be destroyed, culture has to be uplifted. Culture says that the behavior of human beings should be made beautiful, brought in importance, each other's daughter should be protected. He called the nation down the king.
Now Angad said, you have a subtlety of character here. When there is no character in the king's nation, the culture is destroyed. Culture should not be destroyed, culture has to be uplifted. Culture says that the behavior of human beings should be made beautiful, brought in importance, each other's daughter should be protected. He called the nation down the king.
रावण ने पूछा क्या मेरे राष्ट्र में विज्ञान नहीं? अंगद बोले कि हे रावण! तुम्हारे राष्ट्र में विज्ञान है परन्तु विज्ञान का क्या बनता है? एक मंगल की यात्रा कर रहा है परन्तु मंगल की यात्रा का क्या बनेगा, जब तुम्हारे राष्ट्र में अग्निकांड हो रहे हैं। हे रावण! तुम सूर्य मंडल की यात्रा कर रहे हो, उस सूर्य की यात्रा करने से क्या बनेगा, जब तुम्हारे राष्ट्र में एक कन्या का जीवन सुरक्षित नहीं। तुम्हारे राष्ट्र का क्या बनेगा?
Ravana asked, Is there no science in my nation? Angad said that O Ravan! There is science in your nation, but what is made of science? One is traveling to Mars, but what will become of the journey to Mars, when there are fireballs in your nation. Hey Ravana! You are traveling to the solar system, what will happen when you travel to that sun, when a girl's life is not safe in your nation. What will happen to your nation?
Ravana asked, Is there no science in my nation? Angad said that O Ravan! There is science in your nation, but what is made of science? One is traveling to Mars, but what will become of the journey to Mars, when there are fireballs in your nation. Hey Ravana! You are traveling to the solar system, what will happen when you travel to that sun, when a girl's life is not safe in your nation. What will happen to your nation?
रावण ने कहा कि यह तुम क्या उच्चारण कर रहे हो, तुम अपने पिता की परंपरा शांत कर गए हो। अंगद ने कहा कदापि नहीं, में इसलिए आया हूं कि तुम्हारे राष्ट्र और अयोध्या दोनों का समन्वय हो जाए।
Ravana said what are you saying, you have calmed down your father's tradition. Angad said, no, I have come so that both your nation and Ayodhya can be coordinated.
Ravana said what are you saying, you have calmed down your father's tradition. Angad said, no, I have come so that both your nation and Ayodhya can be coordinated.
इस पर रावण मौन हो गया। नरायान्तक बोले कि भगवन! इसको विचारा जाए, यह दूत है, यह क्या कहता है? अंगद बोले यदि भगवन! राम से तुम अपने विचारों का समन्वय कर लोगे तो राम माता सीता को लेकर चले जाएंगे।
Ravan became silent on this. Narayanatak said that God! Consider it, this is the messenger, what does it say? Angad said if God If you coordinate your thoughts with Rama, then Rama will go with Mother Sita.
Ravan became silent on this. Narayanatak said that God! Consider it, this is the messenger, what does it say? Angad said if God If you coordinate your thoughts with Rama, then Rama will go with Mother Sita.
रावण ने कहा कि यह क्या उच्चारण कर रहा है? मैं धृष्ट नहीं हूं। अंगद बोले यही धृष्टता है संसार में, किसी दूसरे की कन्या को हरण करके लाना एक महान धृष्टता है। तुम्हारी यह धृष्टता है कि राजा होकर भी परस्त्रीगामी बन गए हो। जो राजा किसी स्त्री का अपमान करता है उस राजा के राष्ट्र में अग्निकाण्ड हो जाते हैं।
Ravana said what is it chanting? I am not reckless. Angad said that this is the audacity in the world, it is a great audacity to take away another girl. It is your audacity that even after being a king, you have become transcendental. The king who insults a woman gets set on fire in that king's nation.
Ravana said what is it chanting? I am not reckless. Angad said that this is the audacity in the world, it is a great audacity to take away another girl. It is your audacity that even after being a king, you have become transcendental. The king who insults a woman gets set on fire in that king's nation.
रावण ने कहा कि यह कटु उच्चारण कर रहा है। अंगद ने कहा कि मैं तुम्हें प्राण की एक क्रिया निश्चित कर रहा हूं, यदि चरित्र की उज्ज्वलता है तो मेरा यह पग है इस पग को यदि तुम एक क्षण भी अपने स्थान से दूर कर दोगे तो मैं उस समय में माता सीता को त्याग करके राम को अयोध्या ले जाऊंगा। अंगद ने प्राण की क्रिया की और उनका शरीर विशाल एवं बलिष्ठ बन गया।
Ravana said that it is bitter. Angad said that I am making you an action of life, if there is a brightness of the character, this is my foot, if you remove this step from your place even for a moment, then I will abandon Mother Sita in that time Ram Will take you to Ayodhya Angad performed the life of Pran and his body became huge and athletic.
Ravana said that it is bitter. Angad said that I am making you an action of life, if there is a brightness of the character, this is my foot, if you remove this step from your place even for a moment, then I will abandon Mother Sita in that time Ram Will take you to Ayodhya Angad performed the life of Pran and his body became huge and athletic.
राजसभा में कोई ऐसा बलिष्ठ नहीं था जो उसके पग को एक क्षण भर भी अपनी स्थिति से दूर कर सके। अंगद का पग जब एक क्षण भर दूर नहीं हुआ तो रावण उस समय स्वतः चला परन्तु रावण के आते ही उन्होंने कहा कि यह अधिराज है, अधिराजों से पग उठवाना सुन्दर नहीं है। उन्होंने अपने पग को अपनी स्थली में नियुक्त कर दिया और कहा कि हे रावण! तुम्हें मेरे चरणों को स्पर्श करना निरर्थक है। यदि तुम राम के चरणों को स्पर्श करो तो तुम्हारा कल्याण हो सकता है। रावण मौन होकर अपने स्थल पर विराजमान हो गया।
There was no sacrifice in the Rajya Sabha that could take away his foot from his position even for a moment. When Angad's foot did not go away for a moment, Ravana went on his own at that time, but as soon as Ravana came, he said that it is the sovereign, it is not beautiful to take the steps from the authorities. He appointed his foot in his place and said, O Ravana! It is useless for you to touch my feet. If you touch the feet of Rama, you can be benefited. Ravana sat silently at his place.
There was no sacrifice in the Rajya Sabha that could take away his foot from his position even for a moment. When Angad's foot did not go away for a moment, Ravana went on his own at that time, but as soon as Ravana came, he said that it is the sovereign, it is not beautiful to take the steps from the authorities. He appointed his foot in his place and said, O Ravana! It is useless for you to touch my feet. If you touch the feet of Rama, you can be benefited. Ravana sat silently at his place.
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
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